Analysis of Village Fund Management: Challenges, Diversity, and Recommendations Towards Sustainable Village Development


  • Lakshmi Devi Shinta



Village Funds, Evaluation, Transparency


This research aims to evaluate the management of village funds in the village development process. Village fund management is the main focus because it plays an important role in supporting various development programs at the village level. This research uses a qualitative approach by collecting data through interviews, observation and analysis of documents related to village fund management. The research results show that there is diversity in the implementation of village fund management in various villages, including differences in planning, implementation and supervision. Some of the challenges faced include lack of village fund management capacity, lack of transparency, and low community participation in decision making. This evaluation provides in-depth insight into the effectiveness of village fund management and provides recommendations for improvement in an effort to increase sustainable village development.


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How to Cite

Lakshmi Devi Shinta. (2024). Analysis of Village Fund Management: Challenges, Diversity, and Recommendations Towards Sustainable Village Development. Global Management: International Journal of Management Science and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 25–36.