How Influencer Endorsements and TikTok Advertising Shape Purchase Intentions for Glad 2 Glow Skincare Products
Influencer Endorsement, Social Media Advertising, Consumer Purchase Intention, Skincare, TikTokAbstract
This study seeks to evaluate the impact of influencer endorsements and social media advertisements on consumer purchase intentions for Glad 2 Glow skincare products on TikTok. A quantitative approach was employed, using a survey method with 128 Indonesian respondents who had been exposed to influencer endorsements and social media advertisements for Glad 2 Glow on TikTok. Data were gathered through questionnaires and analyzed using a t-test to assess the direct effects of the variables on purchase intention. The criterion for acceptance was set at t-value > t-table. The results indicated that both influencer endorsements (X1) and social media advertisements (X2) significantly affect purchase intentions (Y). Influencer endorsements recorded a t-value of 3.289 with a regression coefficient of 0.266, while social media advertisements showed a t-value of 2.471 with a regression coefficient of 0.195, both surpassing the t-table value of 1.979. Consequently, hypotheses H1 and H2 were supported.
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