Big Data and its Impact on Forensic Accounting
Forensic Accounting, Big Data, Forensic AccountantsAbstract
These advanced analytical capabilities powered by big data comes into play in the world of forensic accounting as the new frontier in identifying corruption and fraud. Since corruption and fraud must be tackled with all available tools in developing countries such as Iraq, this study delves detail into the notable positive impact of big data on the practices of forensic accounting. With a descriptive methodology and statistical analysis, it is the results shows that the big data in forensic accountant can make it easier for forensic accountants to analyze complex datasets, triangulate, analyze using software, improve risk management to detect fraud, financial irregularities effectively. Overall, the study highlights that big data can be fully utilized in forensic accounting if sufficient investment is made on infrastructure, training, and technology adoption in the respective industry, with implications for education, practice, and policies development.
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